Hello friends!

I’m Vanessa Stricker. I’m a Jesus follower, a stumbling peacemaker, and a recovering perfectionist. I’m a spiritual director in training, a part-time Business Manager, a full-time wife and mom of two, and a struggling-to-find-time writer. I desire to live life on the side of grace in the midst of polarizing opposites and unrealistic expectations. I believe in embracing tension as a way of loving others, cultivating peace, and seeking truth. I long to create spaces for connection, contemplation, and curiosity that lead to compassion - both for ourselves and others.

In this space, I’ll share reflections about embracing the tensions of life through the lens of an evolving faith this is rooted in Jesus and in love. My writing often takes the form of essays, poetry, and prayers. Maybe one day it will include a book. I hope you’ll hang around for the journey and share your thoughts along the way.

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Choosing to live on the side of grace in a world of polarizing opposites and unrealistic expectations


Choosing to live on the side of grace in a world of polarizing opposites and unrealistic expectations